[Guest post] Just Enough Research: in practice
Guest author Anna Krajewska shares a practical view on how education organisations can use 'Just Enough Research' to design better experiences
Just Enough Research: in theory
How much research is enough? Erika Hall responds by showing how research can be focussed, human, collaborative and develops skills for all.
In Praise of In-Person
Has in-person research become an act of defiant rebellion now? How do we make the most of being present, now we know what we've missed?
Going the distance: learning fitness for tiring times
How do you train for an event when the finish line keeps moving? Four education leaders talk us through their recent 'marathon' experiences.
After the sprint, the looming marathon
After the panic to get online, research points to the training plan for longer term recovery. The 400-metre sprint is over; now we train for the marathon.
Putting the 'work' into workshops
Workshops are for leaving the daily grind outside, getting your hands dirty and feeling like you’ve accomplished something. Are your workshops working?
Making of a Mindmap, in 90 seconds
If you ever wanted an insight into the process of note-taking and mind mapping, here it is! A 45-minute webinar, in 90 seconds.
Dreams, Interrupted: Six insights from students in China
Stranded in China, students share their education experiences and offer insights into what happens when long-held dreams are suddenly interrupted.
Wrapped in learning: from threads to blankets (part 2)
Learning is more than individual 'threads' of curriculum, apps and worksheets. Here's to the people, teams and communities who weave it all together.
The red wool: on leadership, community and learning (part 1)
Reflections on leadership, layered communities and what we can learn from a single ball of red wool, cut into hundreds of pieces.
Craving connection: the cost of social isolation
Reaching out can positively impact our health, both physically and mentally. At work, good relationships can improve productivity, creativity and retention too.
Experiences, not answers: strengthening research muscles
Great research skills are more important than ever. Lift your research game with ideas for visual tools, well-designed conversations and better listening.
Five maps on women, reporting, innovation, surveys and 5G
Notes from the APAC Wednesday session of the annual Festival of NewMR. Some very diverse topics, from 'female' marketing to innovation in India.
Sapere aude: Dare to be wise!
Can we dare to be wise? To think differently? Professor Deborah Terry explores the role of universities in our communities, businesses and the world.
Activating insights: how to get more out of research
Don't grow bored of your research - grow with it! Theme 2 from our APAIE workshop shares four ways to squeeze more value from your student insights.
COVID-19: care, collaboration and community
A simple mapping of the care, collaboration and community themes emerging from recent discussions on the COVID-19 crisis
We are more alike, my friends...
If you want to innovate, find out what you have in common. Theme 1 from our APAIE workshop introduces the potential of a unified view on student experience.
Listening with courage, concentration and care
Little-known fact: the average focus group moderator shares more than a little professional DNA with priests, spies, bartenders and occasionally, hostage negotiators.
Re-visiting 'Jobs To Be Done'
We can't design relevant experiences unless we understand what people are 'hiring' our product or service for. 'Jobs To Be Done' provides a helpful framework.
What does innovation mean in edtech?
Innovation needs diversity, collaboration, clear frameworks and creative approaches to evaluation. Some key themes drawn from a recent EdTech Podcast series highlight.